MEMO: Agenda Item #7 DATE: November 13, 2018 SUBJECT: Draft LCCMR bill for M.L. 2019 ENRTF Funding Recommendations Background Approval of the recommended legislative bill requires an affirmative vote of at least 12 members of the commission. Materials * M.L. 2019 ENRTF LCCMR Recommendations for FY 2020 Spreadsheet * M.L. 2019 ENRTF Recommendations by Subdivision * Draft M.L. 2019 ENRTF LCCMR bill language Action If acceptable by the commission, the following motion could be offered: Move to approve the LCCMR's 2019 draft ENRTF funding bill [with the following revisions: and] including any technical and grammatical changes necessary to put the language in bill form for presentation to the 2019 Minnesota Legislature. Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources